Ammana Mane movie was released in 2019 in the Kannada language. The film is a beautiful family drama that stars Raghavendra Rajkumar, Rohini Nagesh, Sheetal Hemanth, and Manasi Sudhir. Suchendra Prasad, Nikhil Manjoo, Chaitra, and Tabla Nani can also be seen in the film in supporting roles. The Ammana Mane director Nikhil Manjoo Lingaia directed the movie and also did a screenplay and the film has been produced by Smt. Atmasri and R.S. Kumar. It is believed that the mother-son relationship portrayed on screen by the characters is inspired by the real relationship between Raghavendra and his mother Parvathamma Rajkumar. In addition, Ammana Mane is based on a Sri Lalithe book.
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